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Oranga Marae is provided by Te Puni Kōkiri and the Department of Internal Affairs. It replaces the Lottery Marae Heritage and Facilities Fund (LMHF), which has permanently closed.

Getting started

If you are looking for ways to develop your marae contact us first to find out how Oranga Marae may be able to help.

Phone: your local Te Puni Kōkiri or Department of Internal Affairs office
Free phone: 0800 824 824

After a marae asks for support, we appoint an advisor to work alongside the marae to achieve their goals.

Ngā Hua / Outcomes

Picture of the Oranga Marae outcomes

 Ngā kaupapa matua / Priorities

The Oranga Marae priorities for 2024 are:

  • He wāhi ngangahau te marae, mā te whānau whānui hei whakarauora, hei whakatinana i te ahurea (Marae are active and the wider whanau are engaged with the cultural and physical revitalisation of the marae)
  • Hauora me te Haumarutanga, Tūtohutanga, ngā mahi hanganga i raro i te whenua (Health and safety, compliance, and infrastructure)
  • Te whakamāhere te huringa āhuarangi (Climate change planning)

As a guide, the Oranga Marae Committee is interested in understanding how the marae are planning to meet their aspirations:

Ka ora ā –muri, ka ora ā-mua - Sustaining the marae, sustaining the pae

  • cultural revitalisation/retention plan for Te Reo Māori me ona tikanga
  • well used facilities, events and activities take place e.g. booking schedules, photos
  • maintenance plans, insurances and mitigation / resilience plans; and
  • succession planning, long term goals, what’s happening now and in the future.

From 1 November 2020 a maximum contribution limit of up to $15,000 (ex GST) per Marae Development Plan (MDP) application will apply.

Due to increasing demand and limited pūtea, a maximum contribution limit has also been introduced for Technical Feasibility Support (TFS) requests. A maximum contribution limit of up to $100,000 (ex GST) per TFS application will apply.

If you're not GST registered

If your marae is not GST registered you need to make sure that the GST component of any quotes is included in your budget. This is so the GST can be paid to your marae as part of the grant.  

Technical or feasibility study support dates:

  • Dates for technical feasibility support still to be confirmed.

Marae Development Implementation dates:

Requests received by 24 April 2024 will be considered 13 June 2024
Requests received by 17 July 2024 will be considered 19 September 2024
Requests received by 9 October 2024 will be considered 5 December 2024
Requests received by 5 February 2025 will be considered 10 April 2025
Requests received by 23 April 2025 will be considered 12 June 2025

Further information

If you want to find out more information about Oranga Marae you can download a booklet in both Te reo and English using the links below:

Further information can be found here:

Privacy note:

The marae development plan will be uploaded to a Government database and so should have whānau support for any content (e.g. photos) included. Applications and supporting documents may be viewed by advisors and the Oranga Marae Committee.

All information, applications and supporting documents that are uploaded as part of a request are subject to Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) requests. If we receive an OIA request for your information, you will be contacted before any of it is passed to the requestor.

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