What do organisations need to have to get a grant?
What an organisation needs to apply for funding
An organisation requesting funding must have:
- Two people with the right to sign the organisation’s bank accounts.
- A cashbook (hard-copy or electronic) that is updated regularly.
- A person responsible for the organisation’s financial information.
- An up-to-date Organisation profile in our online grants management system.
- A document from the bank showing the organisation's bank details. This could be a bank statement, printed deposit slip or letter from the bank confirming the account name and number.
An organisation may need to have:
- A document confirming who the Profile Secretary is (if the Profile Secretarys have changed in the grants management system).
- A record of the grants awarded from other funders.
- Reported back on any completed Hāpai Hapori grants.
- Up-to-date tax records.
You must update your Organisation profile before making a request
Each time you make a request for funding you need to make sure the information in your Organisation profile is up-to-date.
Your Organisation profile can be updated at any time by the Profile secretary.
Your organisation can have more than one Profile Secretary on the Organisation profile.
Important things to check are that:
- your financial information is up-to-date or available on the Charities Services register
- your bank account information is correct
- you upload a new bank account slip for any new bank account details