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What documents do I need to send with our Lottery Community request?

What supporting documents you will need

Budgets: Budgets will not be required for funding requests under $20,000. Any requests $20,000 or more will require a budget. More information on the type of budget you need to provide and budget templates can be found here.

Bank account verification documentation: An official bank document clearly showing your organisation’s name and bank account number is necessary, such as a deposit slip or current bank statement. The bank account name must match the name of the organisation applying for funding.

Quote (if applicable): If your request is for minor capital works for $50,000 or less, you will need to provide one quote for building or renovation costs.

Financial statements: If you do not provide complete financial information, your funding request may be considered incomplete. More information on the type of financial statements you need to provide can be found here.

Organisations also need to check that the information on your community organisation profile is up-to-date at the time you submit your grant request. You can find more information on what an organisation needs to apply for funding here.

To request a grant for over $10,000, or for a multi-year grant request, your organisation must be a legal entity. For more information, see What is a legal entity?

Multi-year funding: To be eligible for multi-year funding community organisations need to meet general Lottery criteria plus specific multi-year funding criteria. An organisation must:

  • be a legal entity
  • have been established for at least two years
  • demonstrate a good grant management history
  • have evidence of good governance and management systems
  • have experience in running a similar service/activity or project for which funding is requested.

Unregistered or informal groups

There may be a pathway for your group to access funding. Please email us for advisory support at