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What area does the Papakura / Franklin COGS committee cover?

The Papakura / Franklin COGS committee area covers Takanini and Papakura from the Manurewa-Papakura ward and the townships and suburbs within the Franklin ward.

What are the community outcomes for the Papakura / Franklin COGS committee?

The COGS community outcomes for Papakura/Franklin are:

  • our communities are strengthened, safer and have reduced crime, and local people are less isolated, more connected and resilient
  • children, young people, their parents and families are able to find and easily access the programmes and activites they need to reach their full potential.
  • people experiencing poverty due to long-term unemployment are well supported and have access to development opportunities
  • volunteers are more valued, better trained and supported.

Inequalities are addressed, particularly through kaupapa Māori services, or those that directly empower the voices of people with disabilities or services which strengthen the effectiveness of community organisations.